Wide format printing, murals, palms and bananas
Let’s continue to look into history.
Advertising in XIX–XX century
After industrial revolution advertising became more tangible in people’s life as well as bananas.
There were bright pictures used as advertising materials. At beginning they were drawn by hand, but printing technologies evolved, and it was possible to copy. Texts in newspapers also were used as advertisements. In XX century photographs were used as advertisements.
It seems that photographs must supersede immediately the art from sphere of advertisement. But there was a problem: biggest printing size was only A0. To make bigger formats they were compelled to ask painters. They painted huge and inspiring panels on walls (murals) and other big size advertisements.
Wide format printing today
It was possible to make big step forward only in eighties when digital printing emerged. Digital technology made possible to print big volumes, print on big surfaces with large resolution. The thing is that graphic file with large resolution is needed for printing in wide format. That time computers were weak to put it mildly. Therefore digital wide format printing depends on technical progress like banana on palm tree.
Nowadays even usual computers can do wide format graphic files.

Wide format printing is a powerful marketing tool. It is possible to address large audience and thus increase efficiency of marketing campaign. If you need to print something wide, then of course come to Druku.lv in Riga.
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