Bananas in Ugandan taste

Bananas are fried and boiled only in Africa. We are eating them in normal way. But any Ugandan would be surprised very much of our wildness, if he would see, how happy we are buying bananas in supermarkets, that are brought from countries far away. In his homeland not even a monkey would do this.

If you are reading our banana journal, then you already know that bananas are different. The ones we are buying and are accustomed to is only one specie and not the best one. Even more – variety of bananas is nothing compared to the diversity of foods made from them.

In Africa banana is the same as potato for us. Bananas are used in most of the African’s foods. Bananas are eaten fresh, fried, seared, and dehydrated. They are put in deserts, salads, main meals, soups. People put them even on sandwiches.

Let’s imagine we are in hot Africa, we go down the street, and some smell hits the nostrils.

What smells?

Aha, fried bananas.

In Kampala, capital of Uganda, street vendors are everywhere. They sell fried bananas as a snack. They fry green bananas on hot coals until they are soft. Such dainties can be eaten in any time, and it is desirable to eat them hot.

Bananas in Ugandan taste

Let’s go further?

Seller next is sitting on boxes and making something in fryer. Chips? From potatoes? No, of course, this is Africa, is it!

Banana chips in Uganda are similar to banana dainties in India or Indonesia. Ripe or half-ripe bananas are sliced across to get round chips or lengthwise to get long pieces. They are fried until they are golden brown, it they are ripe, or golden yellow, if they are half-ripe. They are served cold on plate.

Do you have banana mood now?

We hope yes 🙂