Printing of calendars
Creative ideas, non-standard shape, beautiful design – this and much more you can realize in your calendar.
Yes, you can print it in Riga for a small price and with shipping. In irreproachable quality, of course, that is ideal as shape of banana.

Do you know that people are collecting banana labels? Most of these collectors reside in South America. They are around 200. Many of them are working in banana business.
Talking about collections we inform you that there are collectors of calendars too.
Do you want more facts?
- Main unit in the World calendar is quarter (91 days). It is invented by accountants, nothing else.
- All months in the International fixed calendar are starting with Sunday. There is 13th month in it named “sol”. Very convenient calendar, banana word of honor!
- There is no Friday the 13th in the Eternal calendar. That’s right, why such problems in eternity.
- Pocket size calendars were made not only from paper, but also from leather and silk in 19th century. They definitely would made it from banana skins, if they were not exotic.
- In year 25 BC Octavian August invented his calendar. He divided month in three parts: calenda, ida and nona. Every month started in a new moon, and Romans collected taxes in that time. So a word “calendar” emerged (lat. “calendarium” means “book of taxes”).
- Now about today. Defenders of animals are invented an amazing action. They published a series of pocket size calendars with pictures of pets in their pet shelter. First series was sold out in few days. They are making a new series, because citizens are asking it.
Printing of calendars is proven a excellent idea and is continuing today. Printing house in Riga is regularly receiving orders to print calendars. We do not limit our customers in any way, so choose a calendar you like. Invent your own, why not.
Our professional printing machine can do anyting.
Call or write to Indars
+371 22066801
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