Banana printing. Seven reasons to work in
In Latin banana is called «musa sapientum», which means «fruit of a wise man».
This is undoubted truth. We, employees of, are thinking intelligently, eating bananas and caring of our health very much. We do so in order to fulfill customer’s printing orders ideally.

Since we are eating bananas, then:
- We are positive, because ripe and sweet bananas contain astonishing amino acid triptofan, which synthesizes serotonin or hormone of happiness in the body.
- We are lean, because eating of bananas diminishes general dropsy very much.
- We do not smoke. Even those are not smoking, who tried to drop, but without success. Bananas help to get free from this habit. One must eat bananas to overcome nicotine addiction, because bananas contain much vitamins, potassium and magnesium, which are helping to eliminate remains of nicotine from the body and to adapt to life without cigarettes.
- We are strong. Bananas are helping to hold potassium in the body; it is not eliminated, but stays in the body and is used to strengthen the bones. This is essential for them, who like coffee, because it rinses potassium out of the body.
- We are ingenious, because bananas raise possibilities of mind. They contain much potassium, which facilitates catching new information, and this is a indispensable feature to operatively carry out printing orders.
- We do sports very much and do not have any problems. Flesh of bananas contains much potassium, which saves us from spasms in calf muscles.
- We are healthy. One banana contains up to 300 milligrams of potassium, which relieves from high blood pressure and strengthens heart muscle. A human needs to take 3 to 4 grams of potassium daily.
Bananas are tropic energy source. They contain many microelements, which make people happy. How many bananas a day are you eating?
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