Bad advices how to order business cards and other printed advertisement
First advice. Save on design and printing quality, especially if you want to print business cards.
The most marketable product of polygraphy is business cards. They are absolutely necessary for every businessman. It is bad for a businessman to imprudently toss around money like banana skins. People are confused by amount of the ads and therefore will pay attention to your company for certain even if your business cards, leaflets and flayers are low-grade. Don’t worry about missed profit opportunity and ineffective expenses.

Second advice. Copy.
If your competitor has made a successful booklet, print the same. That’s not a problem, there are many doing like this. Ignore the fact that your competitor has completely different audience or budget. What works one time will work again. Bananas are like each other, but that does not lower the demand.
Third advice. Write only about yourself.
Byers will read about your company’s history, concept of your product and regalia with great interest. They will put aside everything and try to dig in your company’s philosophy. Clients are not kids, they know very well what benefit they will get from your product.
Fourth advice. The more the better.
Do not listen to anyone, just write you like. Make offers as tricky as possible, because company is first-class.
Professional terms and formal language will show your qualification unobtrusively. Show your best!
Use client’s visual perception. Show pictures. Many pictures.
Fifth advice. The essential.
Do not put yourself in client’s place. Let him place himself in your shoes. Make business cards of unusual shape, flyers with long, long text and other pieces of art without fail. Make experiments and try everything, because that is the only way to stand out!
You can print your masterpieces with help of professionals.
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